Saturday, October 20, 2007

Where do We Start?!

First, the big news: STEPHANIE'S PREGNANT!!! "Blueberry", as we're calling the baby, should be about six weeks along by now. As with Malcolm and Chloe, we won't find out the sex beforehand; we like the mystery. If it's a boy, he'll be Calvin Islay ("eye-luh"), and if a girl she'll be Molly Anna. If they're twins, um, we're in trouble. :) Stephanie feels great, aside from occasional nausea in the morning and after eating. We have our first appointment (and perhaps a sonogram) in early November, and we'll keep everyone posted. Oh, and the due date for now is June 17.

Otherwise, we have been BUSY. Malcolm started soccer recently, his first team sport. He loves it, and says defense and goalie are his favorite positions. He plays at the Wasilla Multi-Use Sports Complex, a giant indoor facility that features both a soccer field and a hockey rink, along with a running track, shop, cafe', etc. As he started playing, Autumn replaced Summer. Alaska's Autumn is beautiful, if brief. In the few weeks since the leaves began to turn and fall, it has already snowed twice, and a couple inches of white slush currently blanket everything outside. The quickly lowered temperatures mean Brandon has spent much of his time working on getting the house ready for Winter, and we're now keeping a fire in the wood stove going throughout the day, with about a cord and a half already stacked outside, and another cord on the way. For the uninitiated, a cord of wood measures 4'x4'x8'. It's surprising how quickly you go through wood when you rely on it for heating, and with six months of Winter to look forward to, we'll use it all.

In other big news, we just got back from our big trip to the City by the Bay, San Francisco. Stephanie's parents Barbara and Joe live down there, as does the rest of her family, and we were able to spend some great time with both family and many of our friends. Malcolm and Chloe stayed with Stephanie's nieces Monica and Amanda one night at our hotel while we partied with old friends at Baytoberfest, our version of Oktoberfest. We were visited by the boys in blue from the San Carlos Police Department, so we knew the party was a success.

With the kids, we visited every Bay Area icon we could: the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, Ghirardelli Square, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Palace of Fine Arts, the San Francisco Zoo, even a cable car. The weather, with the exception of rain on our first day, was beautiful. We also took the kids to the beach in Pacifica, where Stephanie's parents still live. Alaska may have the longest coastline in America, but our beaches aren't exactly sunny and warm in October. After a whirlwind week of great food, great fun and wonderful times with family and friends, we were all exhausted. Nonetheless, our little vacation was still too brief, and we were sorry to say goodbye to everyone we love. Hopefully we'll see some of them next Summer. Mean while, we'll be welcoming Brandon's brother Ryan in just a few days!

Now, back in the beginning of another Alaskan Winter, we're settling in for a fun season, looking forward to the next member of the Tucker family and missing all those who mean so much to us. Enjoy the photos!


Chloe, Malcolm, Stephanie and Brandon