Sunday, January 18, 2009

Life at...50 Above?

These past two weeks have seen some of the strangest weather in Alaskan history. The last blog entry we posted, we were experiencing overnight lows of -30°. Two days ago, the daytime high was +50°, which set a record. In fact, several record high temperatures have been broken over the past few days, and months' worth of snow and ice have nearly completely melted away in a matter of 72 hours.

Wednesday and Thursday of last week, local school districts (including the kids') closed, as well as Anchorage's two universities, the public bus sytem, area ski resorts and even Meals on Wheels - all because of the rapid thaw, which turned icy roads, highways and parking lots into wet skating rinks. Ice may be slippery, but wet ice is simply impossible to drive on, and southcentral Alaska woke up on Wednesday morning to sudden chaos. Even the city's ice art project, The Freeze, was ironically turned upside down by Mother Nature. It's as if breakup has begun, yet we know we're in for another few months of winter. Very confusing, though a welcome surprise.

We decided to take advantage of the long weekend and booked a last-minute hotel room in Anchorage. That's a big deal for us, and something we enjoyed to the fullest extent. We were lucky enough to catch the Alaska Museum of Natural History's "free day" on our way into the city. After setting up in our room, Brandon headed out for sushi for the whole family. The pool and hot tub, cable TV, the next day's big breakfast, and still more pool and hot tub time made for a very special overnight trip - for us, at least.

We'll blog again soon when the temperature is sure to be in the 90s. Till then, enjoy the photos!

♥, The Tuckers

Friday, January 02, 2009

Life at Thirty Below

To say that Alaska gets cold snaps seems redundant, but all things are relative, and this past week or so has definitely been colder than usual for us. Every winter brings its brief periods of truly intense cold, and we're now in the heart of one. The forecast for tonight is a low of -30°. That was actually updated from earlier in the day, when it was supposed to be -35°. To someone unused to that kind of deep freeze (far colder than your kitchen freezer), it can seem like some sort of bizarre, inhuman condition. But the funny truth is you actually get accustomed to it.

Not at first, of course. But over time, and after accumulating enough of the right winter gear, your body adjusts. Well, ours have , at any rate. At the height of day (here in southcentral Alaska we're still getting a good 6-7 hours of daylight, and gaining), the air temperature doesn't climb above -20°. Yet the kids still go outside to play, Brandon still spend hours out splitting wood, and Stephanie will still take Calvin out for hikes or just hanging out in the snow. Noses freeze up, and hair becomes an icy tangle of frost, but it's just par for the course. At least we're not in Fairbanks, currently at -39° with freezing fog. :)

Enjoy the photos, and happy New Year!