Sunday, November 29, 2009

Too Busy to Blog

Life, especially life with three young kids, has a way of coming at you from all sides at the same time. Nothing drastic, or even out of ordinary, but whether gradually or all at once, we'll find ourselves juggling more balls than we know what to do with. And we don't even know how to juggle.

So it should come as no surprise that in the span of a couple months, we've celebrated two birthdays and two major holidays, visited the transportation museum, signed Malcolm up again for Mad Science, congratulated Chloe on her Student of the Month achievement, became active with the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, watched Malcolm perform in this year's first school recital, rounded up a host of flu vaccinations (though that didn't seem to prevent all five of us getting the flu), volunteered for the school fund raiser, and have already spent countless hours playing in the considerable snow we've received so far. As such, there hasn't been a lot of time (or motivation) to blog.

Still, we have managed to capture several moments in time for your viewing pleasure. We may be crazy, but we are as committed as ever to enjoying ourselves every step of the way, regardless of means or circumstance (or weather). Even Calvin is forced outside daily, and the poor kid can hardly move in his ridiculous snow suit. He doesn't seem to mind; until he starts screaming. ;)

Otherwise, there's nothing groundbreaking to report. We work, we play, we laugh and love and sleep when we can. It's a good life. Besides, before we know it, the kids will be grown and won't want to go sledding anymore. So we're taking advantage while we can!


The Tuckers