Sunday, April 15, 2012

All set for Summer

It's been so long between blog posts recently, we thought we'd chime in with another update, albeit a brief one. Winter (at least in southcentral Alaska) is over, and break-up is underway. The snow and ice are either melting or completely gone, animals and insects are popping up everywhere and we're more than ready to start having some major fun this summer.

Chloe's cast is off, so she's back to her usual exploits in gymnastics class. She loves it, and has been invited to join one of their advanced teams. She's also still spending time with the pony we lease for her, and hasn't lost her love of horses one iota. Calvin is as funny and energetic as ever, and has started writing his name. Malcolm recently placed second in his Cub Scout pinewood derby race, and third in his science fair, and is preparing for the week-long marine biology camp he'll be attending across Kachemak Bay from Homer. He'll also start his new season of baseball soon, and both he and Chloe will be going to a kids' wilderness survival day camp in nearby Palmer. Yep, busy summer.

To top it off, Stephanie and Brandon finally succumbed to their long held dream of traveling by motorcycle (urged along in no small part by these troublemakers), and bought a 1975 BMW R75/6 "airhead". After driving it up from Kenai in the back of a Uhaul van and parking it unceremoniously in the tool shed several weeks ago, we at last were able to take it out this weekend and motor slowly up and down the street. The kids had an absolute blast, and loved it only slightly less than the grownups did. Brandon has been staring longingly at this site for years, and it's about time we started realizing our dream a bit.

Sorry there are only a few photos this time, but with summer essentially here, we'll be taking far more pictures again. Until next time!