Sunday, November 13, 2005

Birthdays, Snow and the New New Job

So Malcolm is now four and Brandon is (wait for it...) thirty-two. Our birthdays were lots of fun. Malcolm had three celebrations - one with us at home, one at school and another at home with friends. I used the remaining slices of his Thomas the Tank Engine cake as my own, with a votive candle stuck in the middle. Necessity is the mother of invention. We both got lots of cool presents, but mine are drinkable.

We've all been playing in the snow every chance we get, and we've found a nearby park with a hill made specifically for sledding. Simon makes a great seld dog, and Malcolm loves to be pulled around by him. Driving in all the snow and ice is fun. You get a feel for sliding around without crashing.

Stephanie also started her new new job recently, a place called
Immediate Care, which helps seniors and others with special needs find people to help take care of them. She loves it, and is very happy she found it.

It dropped to zero the other morning as we were heading to school and work, but has since hovered around twenty-five, which does not feel very cold at all. We're told there'll be a spell in January or February when it will dip to twenty below for a few weeks, though. We won't expect many visitors.

Here's hoping you're all healthy and happy. Have a great Thanksgiving.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about Stephanie's newest new job!!! be safe in that snow, old man!

-Auntie Andi