Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy New Year!

We've gotten an earful from everyone for not updating the blog for over a month, which I take as a compliment - it means you're reading it! At any rate, life is wonderful up here. It's not quite the frozen north you might expect. Brandon's friend Chris recently visited, and brought above-freezing temperatures with him. It hasn't been snowing much, either, but what snow does fall stays on the ground, instead of melting. So there's always plenty of sledding to go around.

Our latest winter sport is skating. Malcolm got a new (used) pair of hockey skates last weekend, and he looks AWESOME in them. Stephanie and Brandon are getting some used skates this Saturday, and we're all going to the downtown rink for music, kids' games and falling on our butts. As Alaskans, we figure it's mandatory that we start learning to skate. How's Brandon going to teach Malcolm the perfect slapshot otherwise?

The kids had a great Christmas. Malcolm was very excited for Santa, and even Chloe got into unwrapping presents. Otherwise, it's life as usual in the tundra. We sled A LOT, watch movies, play inside and generally enjoy being together. CHLOE IS WALKING! She stands on her own, and can take several steps before collapsing, only to push herself to a standing position again. Malcolm has started playing with friends on the weekends, and of course sledding is the activity of choice.

Stephanie still loves working at Immediate Care, helping manage personal care services for the elderly and sick, and Brandon is still very happy with the State Troopers, helping out wherever he can and applying for promotions.

We visited the big New Year's Eve celebration downtown during the afternoon, where several events were held for kids for free. Malcolm played his first hockey in an indoor, carpeted "rink" with other kids, and rode the ferris wheel with Daddy. The fireworks were a bit loud for him, but Chloe didn't seem to mind. She likes everything loud, especially herself. ;-)

We love and miss you all, and look forward to welcoming more guests after "break-up", when the temperatures start rising above freezing (Chris and Brandon's Mom having been the only two brave or foolish enough to fly up so far). We expect to move into our new house by June or July, and would really enjoy seeing some of you. Until then, we'll keep loving every minute of life in Alaska.

Happy New Year to everyone! Love always,

Chloe, Malcolm, Stephanie and Brandon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent. now you must begin outfitting malcom in redwing gear. if chloe can walk...she can skate. they will be the first brother/sister combo in the nhl. remember, redwing gear only, no pansy flyer or penguins crap.