Wednesday, July 05, 2006

No bears this year?

We mentioned in lastnight's update that we haven't seen any bears so far this year. That changed today at lunch for Brandon, who shared a seat and a fortune cookie with a 6'-tall black bear at a nearby park. Brandon noticed him just behind the Saab, about a car length away, in some grass and flowers. He was just hanging out, being a bear - rolling around, eating various things. The two shared a quiet lunch together for a few minutes, till a couple drove into the parking lot and let their dogs out. Brandon gently opened the car door, stood on the sill and pointed out the large meat-eating mammal sitting nearby. The hikers didn't see anything until the bear apparently caught wind of the dogs and stood up. The hikers were shocked, to say the least. In the end, the bear took off a couple minutes later. No word on whether he enjoyed the fortune cookie.

Brandon also saw another bald eagle driving to work this morning. Is it any wonder why we moved here?

We love and miss you all.

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