Monday, June 16, 2008

Calvin Islay Tucker, the World. The World, Calvin Islay Tucker!

Introducing our long-awaited "Blueberry", Calvin Islay! He came into the world at 3:45 on Friday afternoon, after several false alarms over the past week. He weighed 7.5 pounds and measured 19 inches. He is healthy in every way, and has already won the kids over, who can't seem to get enough of him. He's mellow, content and was eating well on the first day. We couldn't be more thankful.

Calvin, of course, is the imaginative six year-old of Calvin and Hobbes. With his limitless visions of fancy, and unique view on the world around him, he was a constant inspiration to Brandon growing up. Islay (pronounced "Eye-Luh"), is an island among the Hebrides, off the western coast of Scotland. It is a quintessentially Scottish place, and the most distillieried area of the country. The smoky whiskies of Islay are Brandon's favorites, and Stephanie generously agreed to the name long ago.

Chloe and Malcolm quickly fell in love with their little brother. They first saw him the day he was born, and we all came home the following evening. Now much of their attention is on holding him, feeding him and generally fawning over him, which he seems to take in stride. Nothing much fazes Calvin, and we're sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop. But so far it's been the perfect experience - eating, pooping, sleeping. Wash, rinse, repeat. In between naps and meals he'll look around inquisitively with his blue-gray eyes. He has a touch of jaundice, but nothing a little vitamin D won't take care of. Otherwise, he's a very healthy, happy newborn.

Life hasn't slowed down, of course. Chloe has taken to dance like nothing before, even more so than Malcolm is with baseball, which is saying something. We love that they each have their special activity, and Stephanie even scheduled her inducement around Chloe's ballet class, so she wouldn't miss her favorite time of the week. Their days are filled with preschool and lots of time outside. They're genuinely happy children; the kind of carefree happiness that only kids know. And summer in Alaska is a magical time, so they're soaking it up.

Stephanie is feeling great. Breastfeeding is going very well this time around. She likely broke her coccyx during labor, but she's already doing much better with just over-the-counter painkillers. She'll start working a few hours a week from home soon, and then will be taking Calvin to the office with her after that. He'll be able to join his siblings at preschool in about a year. And this is the year that Malcolm starts first grade. It's unbelievable how quickly it all happens.

In July we're having visitors. Sandy, Brandon's father, is bringing the gang up from San Antonio - Karen, Amanda and Adam. Aunt Amanda and Uncle Adam will get to see their newest nephew, and they all get to see Alaska for the first time. We also know the kids are going to love being with Adam and Amanda again.

And in August, we'll be the visitors. We're taking the newest Tucker down to San Francisco to see Stephanie's parents, Barbara and Joe, plus the rest of the Thibodeau clan, as well as a few of our friends. And with luck, we hope to be in the Bay Area at the same time as Brandon's brother and sister-in-law, Ryan and Heather, along with their beautiful son Jack. They're going to try flying out to meet us, and to have our kids together for the first time. It's all about family, and we can't wait to get the Tuckers, Thibodeaus and Markheims together.

Finally, we should note that Malcolm has entered into that most hallowed of rites of passage - he's a bike rider! He and Brandon have been working on it since last year, but this was the summer for him. After a few weeks of practice, he finally picked it up on his own, and can now cruise the neighborhood in style, complete with Sesame Street helmet and pads. The look of supreme satisfaction on his face as he rides is priceless. What in the world is more important than riding your first bike? Life is good.

Love always,

Calvin, Chloe, Malcolm, Stephanie and Brandon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey brandon&stephanie,
calvin is a beautiful child congratulations. all of your children are beautiful at that, and your still looking the same my dear friend. hope the clan is doing well, good to see you are well. please tell ryan I said hello to him and his wife heather.
