Sunday, September 25, 2016

Our First Repeat Vacation — in Maui!

When given a choice of destinations earlier this summer, the kids unanimously shot down offerings like Disneyland, and opted instead for Maui.  They even asked to stay in the same resort as our first trip there a few years ago, when we went with Brandon's brother Ryan and his family.  Turns out everyone had such a blast the first time around, we had to go back for seconds.  And so, Maui 2016 was born!

As usual, we packed our stay there with activities aplenty, while still allowing more than enough relaxing beach time.  We drove the surprisingly miserable Road to Hana in reverse, starting from the dry side of the mountain, not knowing that doing so was like gambling with our lives.  We hiked the spectacular Pipiwai Trail within Haleakala National Park, went ziplining again (this time, Calvin was big enough to join in the fun), and signed up for a snorkeling cruise.  Malcolm fished, and though he didn't catch anything, the kids did find a number of geckos, crabs, and other critters.  And amazingly, Stephanie and Brandon even indulged in a lovely dinner sans children.

But mostly, as always, we simply enjoyed each other's company.  Maui has become a special place for us, and we'll surely be back again before long.

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