Saturday, September 17, 2005

Getting Ready for Winter

We put new winter tires on the Subaru, readying it for our first Alaskan winter (which in Anchorage, we're often told, isn't much different from a New England winter - Fairbanks, however, is another story). And because the Scout hasn't been as leak-proof or as willing to start as one would hope, I've ordered a cover for it so it can sit out the winter. Which brings us to our new car. We got a black Saturn Ion Red Line, which was also shod with ice tires this morning. We're happy to be driving a Saturn again, and the supercharged 205-hp engine doesn't hurt.

We're going to sign Malcolm up for skating lessons soon at an indoor rink in one of the malls. We think he'll really love it. Chloe is a terrific crawler now, and has mastered "bye-bye", "Malcolm", "Mama", "Daddy" and a few others. She also does a spot-on horse impression. Steph starts her new job on Monday, and is very excited. I should be moving into a new and much cooler office soon, working with photo line-up stuff, background checks, licenses, etc.

The weather has been steadily getting cooler, and we expect snow within the next few weeks. We'll have heavy showers and bright, crisp blue skies several times in the same day. Our respective drives to work aim toward the nearby
Chugach mountains, and the sun rising up from behind them is a beautiful way to start the morning.

Brandon's mom is coming to visit in a couple weeks, and we expect more family and friends to do the same. We're making new friends here, but we're always thinking of you all, and would love to have you up for an extended stay. If you're ever considering it, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Take care, and keep in touch.

Love always,

The Tuckers

ps. There's nothing like a little laundry hamper indoor slalom session on a rainy morning, hence the great photo from today.

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