Thursday, September 01, 2005


Chloe turned one year old yesterday! It's been a fun time lately up here. Yesterday we enjoyed the usual birthday festivities - she got a new birthday outfit, took special muffins for her baby classmates, listened to her teachers singing to her, ate a delicious chocolate birthday cake (with help from Malcolm to blow out the candle) and rode her very first birthday present, a car/walker thingy.

We also went to the big State Fair this past Saturday. The weather was gorgeous (sunny and in the 70s), and we had a blast. The fair is the largest annual event in Alaska, and they have all the rides, food, booths, shows, music and animals you can imagine, including the obligatory 70-pound cabbages and 3-foot zuchinnis. We even saw huge tomatoes and chiles on display. The Donnas performed, but we didn't think the kids would have appreciated it as much as we might, so we skipped that.

In other news, Stephanie has her latest interview tomorrow for the dream job of the universe, so wish her luck (not that she needs it). Brandon just started his new job today with the State Troopers, and so far it's great. I'm making more money, earn 24 paid days off and 11 paid holidays off a year and can look forward to a ridiculously good retirement package, if I decide to stick it out that long (and if they don't kick me out).

I've also been working on another website. I'll save you the details, but if you're curious and have a few minutes to spare, you may get a kick out of it.

The weather is starting to turn, but slowly. This morning when I got to work it was 36 degrees, but this afternoon it was in the mid-60s and brilliant. We'll have snow before Halloween.

We miss you all. Take care of each other.

Love always,

Brandon, Stephanie, Malcolm, Chloe and Simon


Anonymous said...

Happy ONE to Chloe! Glad to hear things are going well. What is it that you're doing for the Troopers office? And where are the house pics? As far as we currently live in a box! I want proof! And i still suck at Warcraft III.

Anonymous said...


70-pound cabbages? 3-foot zuchinnis? This conjures up images of buds like bowling pins and a movie I once saw.

But we won't go there.



Anonymous said...

Ahh, house pics. I knew I forgot something. You got it. And I'll be working the front desk, handling all the drunks and pedophiles. Plus other fun stuff. It's 6 in the morning, and I'm with Chloe in a hotel lobby in Fairbanks. We're going to take the train today to Denali. I'll post again soon with more photos.
